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Paper Republic Story Hub

In partnership with the wonderful collective of translators and authors that is Paper Republic, we are developing a tagged and fully searchable database of contemporary stories in translation, to give you a flavour of what is available.

The Read Paper Republic initiative first ran from 18th June 2015 to 16th June 2016, publishing a new story, poem or essay, in translation every week. The full stories are free-to-view, thanks to the incredible generosity of the translators and the whole Paper Republic team. Our Writing Chinese Project Officer, Halima Chen, has worked with Paper Republic to enhance the search functionality and provide the keywords for these stories.


“纸托邦短读” 计划最初开始于2015年6月18日, 结束于2016年6月16日,此间每周发表一篇小说、或诗歌或散文的英译。得益于译者的绝对慷慨和纸托邦整个团队的支持,全部译文均可免费阅读。“汉语写作”项目研究员, Halima Chen,与纸托邦合作,加强网站搜索功能,并为所有内容提供了关键词。


Stories 1 to 10 of 63