The Cry of the Deer (呦呦鹿鸣) ByHan Dong Translated byNicky Harman Tagged withbirth, myth and fairytale, religion:Buddhism
Journey to the West (西游记) ByWu Cheng'en Translated byW J F Jenner Tagged withancient China, myth and fairytale
Chronicles of the Ancient Village (古寨往事) ByNa Zhangyuan Translated byNick Admussen Tagged withethnic minorities, myth and fairytale
My Name is Ding Xiban (我就是丁西拌) ByWu Qing Translated byJulia Lovell Tagged withmyth and fairytale, sex, youth and childhood
The Death of Zernik (泽尔尼克之死) ByZhu Yue Translated byDavid Haysom Tagged withinternational, myth and fairytale