Welcome to our new journal!

We're very excited to be launching Writing Chinese: A Journal of Contemporary Sinophone Literature, published by White Rose University Press. The journal is the next step in the project that began life in 2014 as 'Writing Chinese', funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and then grew into the Leeds Centre for New Chinese Writing - thanks in huge part to the enthusiasm and dedication of all the translators, writers, academics, and others in the field who have worked with us over the past few years!
We hope that this journal will be a way of deepening our engagement with the vibrant community of researchers working on various aspects of contemporary Chinese-language literature and its translation and global reception. We'll be combining academic research articles with feature articles focusing on practitioners, as a way of continuing what has always been one of our primary goals - to facilitate dialogue between researchers, writers, translators and those working in other areas of the field. Another key aim of the journal is to engage directly with the latest Chinese-language research, so we'll be publishing newly commissioned English translations of recent academic papers in Chinese, and we'll also be looking for reviews of Chinese (and occasionally other non-English) language academic monographs related to our journal's focus. The journal will be peer-reviewed and completely Open Access.
We'd like to thank White Rose University Press for their enthusiasm for this new journal (and for their patience in working with us to set it up!). We'd also like to say a huge thank-you to our editorial board, for agreeing to share their expertise and time with us, and for their continuing support for our Centre. And thank you as well to Professor Wang Youxuan, for allowing us to use his calligraphy for the journal's cover!
We're also delighted to announce that our inaugural issue will feature keynote articles by Professor Bonnie S. McDougall (Honorary Professor in Chinese Studies at the University of Sydney and Professor Emeritus at the University of Edinburgh) and renowned poet, academic, and translator Xi Chuan 西川 (Beijing University).
To find out more, and to read our first Call for Papers, please see the journal website. We're really looking forward to reading submissions!